How to remove papilloma: the most effective technique

Papilloma is a growth on the skin that is cylindrical on the pedicle and is usually almost invisible. In many cases, it will not manifest itself in any way, but with weakened immunity and high temperature, it will appear unexpectedly. Usually, this is the first papilloma (the so-called "mother"), and then she will breed "babies" scattered on different parts of the body. Many people just try not to pay attention to this defect, but is it so harmless? Do I need to remove the papilloma? We will tell you in detail what a papilloma is, how to deal with it, and the most effective way to remove it.

What is papilloma

Papilloma on the skin

To understand how to deal with papilloma on the skin of your body, you need to figure out what it is. The medical name for papilloma is human papillomavirus (HPV). It is a sexually transmitted disease. In addition, the infection of this disease can occur through household contact methods (damaging the skin through contact with certain objects touched by the infected person).

Papilloma can be "identified" by the shape of the nipple or bump. Usually, they have a so-called "leg". This growth may be distributed in different parts of the body in a chaotic manner-arms, feet, neck, elbow and knee bends, face, lips, chest. The size can be different-very small and large. The hue of papilloma ranges from light flesh to dark brown and red. Therefore, some people mistake them for moles.

In fact, papilloma is a benign tumor that can not only appear on the skin but also on the mucous membrane. The difference between papillomas and warts is as follows-they are softer and have no keratinized layer, while warts are harder in texture.

One of the variants of papilloma is the so-called "genital wart", which has an elongated cone shape and appears on the genitals. Under mechanical action, this growth can itch, hurt and even bleed. Only a doctor can determine whether a patient has papilloma or genital warts, and if necessary, the doctor will order additional examinations and tests.

Why does papilloma appear?

Let us figure out why papillomas occur and how to treat them. The most common causes of papilloma:

  • Changes in hormone levels (including pregnancy, miscarriage);
  • Low temperature;
  • Install intrauterine contraceptive devices;
  • Physical exhaustion
  • Bad habits (smoking, drinking).

Papillomas often appear, disappear and then reappear because they are manifestations of viral infections. This means that their existence determines the body's immunity at a specific moment. HPV often occurs in people who have unprotected sex with an infected person and in women who take hormonal contraceptives.

The cause of the virus "activation" is any stress on the body: the common cold, long-term use of drugs, hypothermia. All of these weaken the immune system and make it vulnerable to human papillomavirus.

It is easy to get infected-close contact with an infected person, or living with a papilloma carrier, or just going to a public beach, swimming in a public swimming pool or going to a sauna is enough. By the way, this virus is a "lover" of high temperature and high humidity.

Why is papilloma dangerous?

Dermatologist examines papilloma

Certain types of HPV viruses are dangerous because they can cause cervical cancer in women. This mainly applies to genital warts that usually appear on the genitals. Since viral diseases spread without symptoms, a person will not go to the doctor for a long time. Therefore, it is important for women to see a gynecologist every six months and have a cytology check every year in order to detect cervical precancerous lesions (if any).

Even if a person does not have condyloma acuminata, in any case, papilloma indicates a dysfunction of the body. Small growth indicates that you should see a doctor and rule out gynecological diseases, kidney problems, and colitis. After the examination, the papilloma must be removed, because this is a benign tumor that will one day develop into a malignant tumor. In addition, papilloma looks unattractive, which is an aesthetic defect. But how to remove papilloma correctly to avoid complications? This will be discussed further.

How to remove papilloma: popular methods

Noting our own papilloma, we immediately started looking for information on how to remove the papilloma on the Internet. There are many family methods, but they are not only ineffective, but also dangerous and traumatic. It is best to see a specialist!

How to remove papilloma is absolutely impossible:

  • Tear off.
  • Tie up with thread.
  • Needle.

These actions will only provoke the virus to "occupy" other territories and "move" to other regions. But how to remove the papilloma so that it no longer appears?

If you have papilloma, your doctor will tell you how to treat it based on the type of growth. But we will still consider the most popular and effective methods of removing papilloma:

Electrocoagulation to remove papilloma
  • Resection with a scalpel. . . This is the easiest way, but it is very painful. Today, there are gentler techniques that leave no trace.
  • Liquid nitrogen cauterization. . . The papilloma just freezes, and the life activities of its cells stop.
  • Electrocoagulation. . . In this case, the build-up is removed by the electric current. Before removing the papilloma from the body by this method, the patient is given minimal local anesthesia.
  • Radio wave surgery. . . The method is non-contact, it removes defects by exposing them to radio waves. In this case, local anesthesia is also used.
  • Laser removal. . . It is considered to be the most effective and safest way to treat papilloma. The laser beam penetrates to the required depth and blocks the blood vessels that nourish the growth. As a result, the tumor dies and disappears. Usually, the papilloma will disappear after a few days.

How to best remove papilloma

How to best remove papilloma, the doctor will tell you who will see your papilloma and be able to determine its type. But now, in most cases, it is recommended to use laser removal, because it has many advantages:

  • Non-contact procedure-there is no physical contact between the skin and the instrument, and the parallel laser beam has a sterilization effect.
  • No blood, no pain.
  • There are no side effects such as burns, scars, and pigmentation after the operation.
  • Able to remove multiple papillomas at once.

Before making an appointment for surgery, the beautician will tell the patient how to remove the papilloma with a neodymium laser and find out if he has any contraindications. If everything is normal, the meeting time will not exceed 15 minutes. Laser removal has no traces and various complications. At the same time, doctors will prescribe drugs for patients to improve immunity.

We hope we can help you figure out what papilloma is and how to treat it. The most important thing is not to self-administer medicine to prevent unpleasant consequences such as burns or injuries, and don't doubt that everyone needs to remove the papilloma.